Legal Compliance of the Community in the Transition Period from Pandemic to Endemic Covid-19: A Study Analyzing the Effectiveness of PPKM Policies
Legal Compliance, Covid-19Abstract
This article aims to review the effectiveness of community activity restriction policies (PPKM) in preventing coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) and analyze the legal compliance of the community with PPKM policies during the transition from pandemic to endemic. As a juridical-normative study, the approach used includes a conceptual approach. PPKM is claimed by various parties to have successfully suppressed the spread of Covid-19 cases in Indonesia, leading to the government's announcement of the transition from the pandemic to the endemic phase of Covid-19. However, behind this success, there are factors influencing law enforcement. These factors include legal awareness, legal compliance, and legal culture. The relationship between these three factors is closely related to achieving legal goals. Legal culture cannot materialize without legal compliance, especially compliance with various policies in preventing and handling Covid-19. Ideally, compliance that arises is compliance without coercion. In other words, everything is based on legal awareness that ultimately becomes a habit.
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