Contextualization of Ulil Amri's Verses Regarding Compliance with Government in Determining the Beginning of Hijriyah Month in Indonesia
Ulil Amri, Compliance, Determining MonthAbstract
This article explores the concept of ulil amri in the Quran and its relevance to compliance with the government, particularly in determining the beginning of the Hijri month in Indonesia. The concept of ulil amri encompasses various leadership roles such as khalifah, imam, wali, malik, and sultan, with significant implications in both religious and governmental contexts. The primary focus is on the Indonesian government's efforts, through the Ministry of Religious Affairs, in determining the start of the Hijri month involving methods like rukyat and hisab. As a library research study, it is descriptive-analytical, presenting data on sababnuzul, interpretations, and the historical chronology of ulil amri. The article also outlines the chronological and procedural map of the ijtihad of scholars and leaders (umara') in Indonesia concerning the determination of the beginning of the Hijri month through the istbat session. It becomes apparent that there are differences in interpreting the term ulil amri, meaning obedience to the government, especially in the realm of worship, such as the determination of the beginning of the month, impacting the implementation of religious practices and the harmony of the Muslim community in Indonesia.
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