Juridical Review of Taukil Wali Among Students of Al-Hikmah Islamic Boarding School Purwoasri Kediri
Taukil Guardiant of Marriage, Islamic Family LawAbstract
The research examines a juridical review of the Taukil Wali among students at the Al-Hikmah Islamic Boarding School, Purwoasri, Kediri. The purpose of this study is to know and understand by analyzing the position of Taukil Wali from the point of view of Islamic law and the factors that make students prefer Taukil Wali. The research method used is a combination (normative and empirical). The results of this study explain that the position of Taukil Wali in the perspective of Islamic law is permissible, but with the condition that the representatives and their representatives fulfill the pillars and requirements of Syar'i. Likewise, the Muwakil is seriously ill and difficult to heal or the long distance makes it impossible to become a guardian. Factors for students who prefer Taukil Wali include a lack of knowledge about the pronunciation of the marriage contract, feelings of inferiority, and respect for Kyai.
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