Formulation of Legal Regulations for the Prevention of Sexual Violence in Islamic Boarding Schools and Higher Education Institutions
Legal Arrangements, Sexual Violence, Educational InstitutionsAbstract
Sexual violence within educational institutions, encompassing Islamic boarding schools and universities, represents a grave issue that runs counter to the educational principles designed to promote students' positive development. This study delves into the legal and regulatory framework that is applicable within these educational institutions and assesses the degree of its implementation concerning cases of sexual violence. The research employs normative juridical methods for the analysis, scrutinizing laws, local regulations, and institutional policies. The data collection process involves an extensive document review, addressing elements like the definition of sexual violence, reporting protocols, punitive measures, and preventive initiatives contained within the legal framework. This study aspires to engender a comprehensive understanding of the legal framework's role in averting sexual violence and its practical application. The envisaged outcome includes recommendations that can fortify student protection and cultivate a more secure educational milieu. These findings can serve as a cornerstone for enhancements in sexual violence prevention within educational institutions, a crucial facet for students' development and the overall integrity of Islamic boarding schools and higher education institutions.
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