Aktualisasi Kaidah I’tibar al-Masalih dalam Pemikiran Izz al-Din Ibn Abd al-Salam


I’tibar al-Masalih.

How to Cite

Al-Anshori., H. . (2022). Aktualisasi Kaidah I’tibar al-Masalih dalam Pemikiran Izz al-Din Ibn Abd al-Salam. Mahakim: Journal of Islamic Family Law, 2(2), 107–118. https://doi.org/10.30762/mahakim.v2i2.98


Goodness actualization in the thought of imam Izz al-Din in triggering the law is not separated from
attracting good and avoiding destruction, a concept that indicates the benefit of mankind. This if we
actualize it in the comunity, it will appear that goodness is a priority in assisting a law that will be
triggered, provided that it does not conflict with the qur’an agreement, analogy, and istidian of the
mu’tabar. maslahah (goodness) in a marriage registration, it has been mentioned in the books of fiqh. The
regulation of it is an anticipatory step from the state (goverment) to anticipate the actions that harm in
one side, especially women. This is accordance with the rules. Meaning: the actions of leader/goverment
for the society are to realize the goodness. Imam izz al-Din makes the Holy Qur’an and the hadith as a
juridical basis in establishing a law. Besides that, Izz al-Din in responding to mas}lah}ah as a reference in
law istinbat he rests on istidlal al-sahih or with the term istidlal bi al-masalih.



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